1. 博士前期課程と後期課程の連接強化
本プログラムは,博士前期課程と後期課程に区分するものの,他に例をみない5年間一貫した教育カリキュラムを整備しています。更に学部に相当する工学システム学類の知的・機能工学システム主専攻と協力して、時代のニーズに合った技術者・研究者を育成するための,実質6年間(学部+修士)または9年間(学部+修士+博士)の一貫した教育プログラムを提供しています。博士前期課程または後期課程から入学した場合も,リメディアル教育を含む数学系基礎科目や特別実験等を履修することによって,同等の教育を受けることが可能です。2. コンピテンス・ポイントに基づく達成度評価
学位授与時に学生が備えているべき知識・能力(コンピテンス)を確実に修得できるよう,コンピテンス・ポイントに基づく達成度評価システムを導入しています。達成度評価シートを用いて,学生自らが,どのコンピテンスが不足しているか,それを補うためにどの科目を履修すればよいかを自己点検し,計画的な科目履修を行えるようにしています。また,学会発表経験やTOEICの得点なども評価されるため,既にある程度の知識・能力を備えている社会人学生などの場合,自分の不足している部分を重点的に学ぶことができます。3. 研究力育成を重視したカリキュラム編成
各分野の専門知識を学ぶ専門科目のほかに,研究能力を高めるための共通科目としてコアスタディ,数学系基礎科目,ツール演習科目,英語演習,特別演習科目群が用意されています。4. 複数指導教員制度
本プログラムでは,大学院生1名に対して,1名の指導教員と2名の副指導教員が就く複数指導体制がとられています。学生は,自分の研究室だけでなく,副指導教員のゼミに参加することができ,大学院セミナーの際にも副指導教員の指導を受けます。このように複数の教員から多様で異なった観点からのアドバイスを受けることによって,自分の研究内容への理解が深まり,プレゼンテーション力の向上にも役立ちます。教員と大学院生の距離の近さも,本プログラムの特徴の一つです。5. 大学院セミナーの実施
せっかくの研究成果も,上手に発表しないと他の人には理解してもらえません。また,人の話を聞く立場になったときには,理解を深め自分に必要な情報を得るためにどういう質問をすればよいのか,という質問力も研究者・技術者には大切です。本プログラムでは,学生が自分の研究内容を発表し,その発表に対して質疑応答を行うという演習形式の講義を行っています。専門分野の枠を超えて,毎週,活発な議論が繰り返されています。発表者には,聴講する学生が感じた率直な意見がフィードバックされるようになっています。さらに秋学期末には,ポスター形式の発表会を実施しています。企業の方も多数来場されることから,一種の就活イベントとしても機能しています。6. 連携大学院制度
つくば市には,筑波大学以外にも様々な研究機関があり、交流が盛んに行われています。本プログラムでは,(国研)産業技術総合研究所に所属する教員(連携大学院教員)のもとで研究指導を受けて,学位を取得することができます。7. デュアルディグリープログラム
本プログラムでは,主学位プログラムである博士後期課程に在学しながら副学位プログラムとして他研究群・他学位プログラムの博士前期課程・修士課程・専門職学位課程にも在学し,博士(工学)の他に他学位プログラムに対応する修士号を取得するDDPを実施しています。8. 早期修了の積極的な推進
8.1. 社会人のための博士後期課程早期修了プログラム
博士後期課程を最短1年で修了し,課程博士号を取得させるプログラムを実施しています。一定の研究業績を有する社会人が,最短1年間で課程博士の学位が取得できるよう,論文の作成指導等に関する効率的に体系化されたコースワークを確立した早期修了プログラムを導入しております。ここでは,入学時,中間審査(入学後4ケ月以内)及び予備審査(入学後8ケ月以内)等の3ステージ以上において,課程博士の学位に相応しいレベルに達しているかを評価する達成度評価システムを確立し,我が国の次代を担うべき優秀な研究者や高度専門職業人をサポートします。8.2. 一般学生の早期修了
博士前期課程において特に秀でた研究成果をあげ,かつ優秀な成績をもって修了要件を満たした学生に対して,博士後期課程へ進学する場合に限り,1年間短縮しての早期修了を実施しています。この場合,通常の博士前期課程と同一の修了要件となります。 博士後期課程においても優れた研究業績があれば,1年以上の在籍で早期修了することが可能です。なお,博士前期課程を1年で早期修了し,博士後期課程でも早期修了する場合は,2年以上の在籍が必要となります。9. 社会人学生への配慮
後期課程の場合,特別研究科目や論文発表演習科目など,主に指導教員から指導を受ける科目の履修だけで修了できます。そのため,研究業績のある社会人学生は,遠隔会議システム等を利用することにより,大学に来る負荷を低減することができます。また,前期課程においても,研究活動を単位化した科目を多数修得することにより,大学に来る負荷を低減することができます。10. 学生表彰
顕著な成果をあげた学生は,学長表彰や研究科長表彰候補者として推薦されます。またプログラム独自でも優秀修士論文賞やプログラムリーダー表彰が授与されます。受賞者は,日本学生支援機構第一種奨学金の返還免除対象者になる可能性が非常に高くなります。In order to provide systematic education for students, it is required to strengthen the systematic development of education in line with the purpose of the curriculum-based graduate school system, which gives a specific degree to those who have completed the educational course. This program aims to validate graduate school education through the following measures.
1. Reinforcement of the interconnection between Master's and Doctoral programs:
This course is divided into Master's and Doctoral programs but has a unified five-year educational curriculum. In addition, in cooperation with the College of Engineering Systems, we provided an integrated educational program for six years (undergraduate + Master's degree) or 9 years (undergraduate + Master’s degree + Doctoral degree) to develop engineers and researchers who meet the needs of the times. Even if a student enters the master's program or the Doctoral program, it is possible to receive almost the same education by taking additional basic mathematics courses, remedial education and special experiments.
2. Achievement evaluation based on competence points:
We have introduced an achievement evaluation system based on competence points to ensure that students acquire the knowledge and abilities (competencies) they should have when obtaining their degree. Using the achievement evaluation sheet, students can self-check which competencies are lacking and which courses should be taken to make up for them. Therefore, the students can plan ahead the courses to be taken. In addition, presentations at academic conferences and the TOEIC score are also evaluated. In the case of working students who have achieved some knowledge and ability ahead, this system offers them the opportunity to focus on strengthening their weaknesses.
3. Curriculum organization focusing on research skills development:
In addition to specialized subjects for acquiring specialized knowledge in each field, core subjects, basic mathematics subjects, tool exercises, English exercises, and special exercises are provided as common subjects in order to enhance research skills.
4. Multiple supervisor system:
This program has a multi-advisor system in which one graduate student has one supervisor and two assistant supervisors. Students can participate on study activities not only in their own laboratory but also in seminars of the assistant supervisors, and receive guidance from the assistant supervisors during graduate school seminars. Receiving advice from different perspectives, from multiple faculty members will help students to deepen their understanding of their research contents and improve their presentation skills. One of the special features of this program is the proximity between faculty and graduate students.
5. Graduate school seminars:
Communication skills that allow clear and effective communication of research results are imperative for appropriate dissemination of research progress and new findings. Additionally, when listening to other researchers it is very important to be able to ask appropriate and relevant questions to the subjects presented to deepen the understanding of the subjects and obtain relevant information for your own research knowledge. In this program, when students present their research, question and answers sessions are held to open a discussion of the presented work. These sessions are done weekly in a multidisciplinary fashion where presenters receive feedback from comments and questions of supervisors and attending professors and students. In addition, a poster presentation takes place at the end of the fall semester. Along with the faculty members and students, many company representatives also attend this presentation, serving as a job-hunting event.
6. Collaborative graduate school system:
In Tsukuba City, there are a variety of research institutions besides the University of Tsukuba. A scientific network has been constructed between all these institutions where scientific exchanges are actively taking place. In this program, a degree can be obtained by receiving research guidance from a faculty member (faculty of cooperative graduate school) of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).
7. Dual degree program (DDP):
In this course, while enrolling in the Doctoral program (main degree program), as a sub-degree program, students are able to participate in a Master's program and professional degree program of other research groups and other degree programs. The implementation of a DDP program allows students to obtain a Master's degree corresponding to another degree program.
8. Active promotion of early completion programs:
8.1. Early completion of Doctoral Programs for working people:
We are implementing a curriculum that allows students to complete the Doctoral program in a minimum of one year. We have introduced an early completion program that has established an efficient and systematic coursework on thesis preparation and guidance so that working members of our society with a certain level of research achievements can obtain a doctoral degree in a minimum of one year. A performance evaluation system that evaluates whether a candidate has reached a level appropriate for a Doctoral degree will be done in three stages: an admission examination, an intermediate examination (within 4 months after admission) and a preliminary examination (within 8 months after admission). Support from excellent researchers and highly specialized professionals will be provided aiming to generate an outstanding next generation of researchers in Japan.
8.2. Early completion programs for general students:
Students who have achieved outstanding research results in the Master's program, who have completed the course with excellent grades, and who proceeds to the Doctoral program of IMIS have the opportunity to shorten the Master's program by one year. The achievements required to complete the program are the same as those for the regular Master's program.
Students showing outstanding achievements during the Doctoral program are offered the possibility to complete their studies in one year at least. A student who completes the Master’s course early and show eligibility to complete his/her Doctoral course early must be enrolled for at least two years in the Doctoral program.
9. Consideration for working students:
Working students on the Ph.D. program can complete it by taking the subjects that are mainly instructed by their academic advisors, such as special research subjects and thesis presentation practice subjects. Therefore, working students with research achievements can reduce the burden of coming to the university by using online tools as video-conference. Also, in the Master's program, students can reduce the burden of coming to the university by acquiring a large number of subjects in which research activities are unitized.
10. Student Award:
Students who have achieved outstanding results are recommended as candidates for the President's Award or the Dean's Award. A Master's thesis award and the Program Chair's award are also bestowed independently on each program. Winners are very likely to be eligible for a waiver of the Japan Student Services Organization Type I Scholarship.