- 知の活用力:高度な知識を社会に役立てる能力
- マネジメント能力:広い視野に立ち課題に的確に対応する能力
- コミュニケーション能力:専門知識を的確に分かり易く伝える能力
- チームワーク力:チームとして協働し積極的に目標の達成に寄与する能力
- 国際性:国際社会に貢献する意識
- 研究力:知能機能システム分野において適切な研究課題を設定し、研究を遂行して有意義な成果を上げる能力とそのための基本的な技術
- 専門知識:工学分野の高度専門職業人にふさわしい基礎知識と学力、および知能機能システム分野における高度な専門知識と運用能力
- 倫理観:工学分野の基礎的研究能力を有する人材または高度専門職業人にふさわしい倫理観と倫理的知識
- 知の創成力:未来の社会に貢献し得る新たな知を創成する能力
- マネジメント能力:俯瞰的な視野から課題を発見し解決のための方策を計画し実行する能力
- コミュニケーション能力:学術的成果の本質を積極的かつわかりやすく伝える能力
- リーダーシップ力:リーダーシップを発揮して目的を達成する能力
- 国際性:国際的に活動し国際社会に貢献する高い意識と意欲
- 研究力:知能機能システム分野において先端的な研究課題を設定し、自立して研究を遂行し独創的な成果を上げて国際的に発表する能力とそのための高度な技術
- 専門知識:工学分野の研究者または高度専門職業人にふさわしい知識と学力、および知能機能システム分野における先端的かつ高度な専門知識と運用能力
- 倫理観:工学分野の研究者または高度専門職業人にふさわしい倫理観と倫理的知識、および知能機能システム分野に関する深い倫理的知識
Diploma Policy (Master’s Program)
To be awarded a degree in the Master’s Program (engineering), students must fulfill the program completion requirements prescribed by the University of Tsukuba Graduate School Regulations and related regulations. Within such qualifications, students are required to achieve the following knowledge and abilities.
(General Knowledge and Abilities)
- Ability to use knowledge: Ability to implement advanced knowledge useful for society.
- Management ability: Ability to appropriately address challenges from a broad perspective.
- Communication ability: Ability to convey expert knowledge accurately and clearly.
- Teamwork skills: Ability to cooperate and actively contribute to the achievement of goals as a team.
- International character: Awareness to contribute to the international society.
(Specialized Knowledge and Abilities)
- Research ability: Ability to set appropriate research tasks, carry out a research plan and achieve meaningful results in the field of Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems implementing basic knowledge.
- Specialized knowledge: Basic knowledge and academic ability appropriate for highly-specialized professionals in the engineering field, as well as advanced expert knowledge and operational skills in the field of Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems.
- Ethical view: Ethical view and ethical knowledge appropriate for individuals with basic research skills or highly-specialized professionals in the engineering field.
Diploma Policy (Doctoral Program)
To be awarded a degree in the Doctoral Program (engineering), students must fulfill the program completion requirements prescribed by the University of Tsukuba Graduate School Regulations and related regulations. Within such qualifications, students are required to achieve the following knowledge and abilities.
(General Knowledge and Abilities)
- Ability to create knowledge: Ability to create new knowledge which will contribute to society in the future.
- Management ability: Ability to discover issues from a comprehensive viewpoint, choose the correct strategic measures and carry them out.
- Communication skills: Ability to convey the essence of academic achievements positively and clearly.
- Leadership skills: Ability to demonstrate leadership skills in the achievement of goals.
- International character: High awareness and willingness to work on international activities and contribute to the international society.
(Specialized Knowledge and Abilities)
- Research ability: Ability and advanced skills to set cutting-edge research tasks, carry out research independently, achieve original results and present at international conferences in the field of Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems.
- Specialized knowledge: Knowledge and academic ability appropriate for researchers or highly-specialized professionals in the engineering area; as well as cutting-edge, advanced specialized knowledge and operational skills in the Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems field.
- Ethical view: Ethical view and ethical knowledge appropriate for researchers or highly-specialized professionals in the engineering field, as well as deep ethical knowledge in the field of Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems.