Curriculum Policy教育課程の編成方針






  • 主に特別研究(知能機能特別研究I, II)、セミナー(知能機能システムセミナーI,II)、コラボラトリー演習(知能機能システムコラボラトリー演習Ia,Ib,IIa,IIb)により、知の活用力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、セミナー、計画調書作成演習(知能機能システム計画調書作成演習I,II)により、マネジメント能力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、セミナー、研究発表演習(知能機能システム研究発表演習Ia,Ib,IIa,IIb)により、コミュニケーション能力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、論文発表演習、コラボラトリー演習、特別実験(知能システム特別実験a,b、機能システム特別実験)およびTA 経験や学外活動などにより、チームワーク力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、TOEIC 演習(知能機能システムTOEIC 演習I,II)、英語での研究発表などにより、国際性を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、知能機能システムコアスタディ、ツール演習科目(知能機能システムデータ解析演習、知能システムツール演習a,b、機能システムツール演習)、数理系基礎科目(知能機能システム数学基礎、知能システム理論基礎、機能システム数理基礎)、TOEIC 演習、特別実験、コラボラトリー演習、計画調書作成演習などにより、研究力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、数理系基礎科目、研究群共通科目(主として知能機能システム分野)、コラボラトリー演習などにより、専門知識を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、コアスタディ、倫理に関するe-learning などにより、倫理観を身に付ける。

2年以上在学し、学位プログラムごとに定める修了の要件として必要な授業科目の履修により所定の単位を修得し、かつ、必要な研究指導を受けた上で、修士論文又は特定課題研究の審査及び最終試験に合格すること。 ただし、在学期間に関しては、優れた業績を上げた者については、当該課程に1年以上在学すれば足りるものとする。

  1. 学位プログラム科目群-知能機能システム関連科目-専門基礎科目のうち、知能機能システムコアスタディ 1単位
  2. 学位プログラム科目群-知能機能システム関連科目-専門科目のうち知能機能システム特別研究I、II、知能機能システムセミナーI、II 12単位
  3. 学位プログラム科目群-知能機能システム関連科目-専門基礎科目(1)の科目を除く。)、学位プログラム科目群-知能機能システム関連科目-専門科目(2)の科目を除く。)、研究群共通科目群-専門基礎科目、研究群共通科目群-専門科目のうちから17単位



  1. 他研究群開設科目
  2. 学術院共通専門基盤科目
  3. 大学院共通科目






  • 主に特別研究(知能機能特別研究A,B,C)、論文発表演習(知能機能システム学術雑誌論文発表演習I,II,知能機能システム国際会議発表演習)、コラボラトリー演習(知能機能システムコラボラトリー演習III,IV)により、知の創成力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、計画調書作成演習(知能機能システム計画調書作成演習III, Ⅳ)により、マネジメント能力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、計画調書作成演習および学会発表等により、コミュニケーション能力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、論文発表演習、コラボラトリー演習、計画調書作成演習およびTA 経験や学外活動などにより、リーダーシップ力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、英語演習、国際会議論文発表演習などにより、国際性を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、論文発表演習、計画調書作成演習などにより、研究力を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、論文発表演習、コラボラトリー演習などにより、専門知識を身に付ける。
  • 主に特別研究、倫理に関するe-learning などにより、倫理観を身に付ける。

3年以上在学し、学位プログラムごとに定める修了の要件として必要な授業科目の履修により所定の単位を修得し、かつ、必要な研究指導を受けた上、博士論文の審査及び最終試験に合格すること。 ただし、在学期間に関しては、優れた研究業績を上げた者については1年(修士課程早期修了者等にあっては当該課程における在学期間を含めて3年)以上在学すれば足りるものとする。


学位プログラム科目群-知能機能システム関連科目-専門科目のうち、知能機能システム特別研究A、B、C、知能機能システム学術雑誌論文発表演習I 10単位及び同専門科目のうちから2単位を修得し、合わせて12単位以上を修得すること。

Master’s Program

Curriculum Policy

The Master’s Program has been designed to provide educational resources to develop highly-specialized professionals capable of identifying and solving problems from a broad viewpoint across multiple fields of Science and Engineering. In addition to possessing a wide range of basic knowledge and strong ethical perspective in the engineering field, students will also be equipped with specialized knowledge and research skills regarding Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems (system design, human, machine and robot systems, measurement control engineering and communication systems).

Curriculum Policy

We organize our curricula aimed primarily at cultivating the student’s research skills regarding Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems. Our curricula are organized for students to be able to acquire general and specialized knowledge with a profound ethical orientation. If necessary, students will reinforce their knowledge by taking degree programs’ common subjects (Graduate School of Science and Technology specialized fundamental common subjects and Graduate School common subjects). The common courses for the Graduate School of Science and Technology consist of fundamental and specialized subjects as well.

  • Acquire the ability to implement knowledge through research (Research in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems I and II), seminars (Seminar in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems I and II) and collaboratory research workshops (Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems Ia, Ib, IIa and IIb).
  • Acquire management ability through research, seminars and research proposal writing workshops (Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems I and II).
  • Acquire communication skills through research, seminars and oral presentation workshops (Oral Presentation Workshop in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems I and II).
  • Acquire group skills through research, research paper presentation workshops, collaboratory research workshops, laboratory works (Laboratory Work in Intelligent Interaction Systems A and B, and Laboratory Work in Mechanical Interaction Systems), TA experiences and outside-school activities among others.
  • Acquire international character through research, TOEIC exercises (TOEIC Exercise in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems I and II) and research presentations in English among others.
  • Acquire research ability through research, studying fundamentals of Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems, tools and practices (Statistical Data Analysis for Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems, Tools and Practices for Intelligent Interaction Systems A and B, and Tools and Practices for Mechanical Interaction Systems), fundamentals of mathematics (Fundamentals of Mathematics in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems, Fundamental Theory of Intelligent Interaction Systems and Fundamental Mathematical System of Mechanical Interaction Systems), TOEIC exercises, laboratory works, collaboratory research workshops and research proposal writing workshops among others.
  • Acquire specialized knowledge through research, studying fundamentals of mathematics, degree programs’ common courses (mainly in the area of Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems) and collaboratory research workshops.
  • Acquire an ethical view through core subjects, specialized research, and e-learning ethics courses.
Requirements for Completing Degree Programs and Subject selection
Completion requirements

To complete the Master’s Program, students must have attended the Graduate School of Science and Technology for 2 or more years, and have earned a designated number of credits by taking the necessary courses as specified by each program. In addition to this, students must have completed and received approval for their master's theses or independent research projects, as well as having passed a final examination. However, students who have demonstrated an outstanding academic performance will be eligible to complete the program in a minimum of 1 year.

Subjects Registration

Students are required to earn at least 30 credits in total including the following subjects.

  1. Fundamentals of Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems (1 credit) from specialized fundamental subjects in the master’s degree courses - Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems related subjects.
  2. Research in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems I and II, as well as Seminar in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems I and II (12 credits) from specialized subjects in the Master’s degree program courses - Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems related subjects.
  3. Seventeen credits from specialized fundamental subjects except the one mentioned in 1) in the Master’s Program courses - Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems related subjects. Specialized subjects except the ones mentioned in 2) in the Master’s Program courses - Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems related subjects, specialized fundamental subjects in the degree programs’ common subjects, and specialized subjects in the degree programs’ common subjects.

(Note) The following subjects are counted as specialized subjects and credits earned through these can be included in the number of credits necessary to complete the Master’s Program.

  1. Open courses in other degree programs
  2. Graduate School of Science and Technology specialized fundamental common subjects
  3. Graduate School common subjects

Doctoral Program

Curriculum Policy

The Doctoral Program has been designed to provide students with a wide range of basic knowledge and ethical view of the engineering area as a ground for acquiring an advanced level of specialized knowledge and obtaining skills for conducting original research regarding Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems (system design, human, machine and robot systems, measurement control engineering and communication systems). We are willing to implement education aimed at cultivating researchers or highly-specialized professionals capable of identifying and solving problems from a broad perspective across multiple fields of Science and Technology.

Curriculum Policy

The primary purpose of our curricula is to cultivate students’ advanced research skills in regard to Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems. Our curricula are organized for students to be able to acquire specialized knowledge and a profound ethical view, as well as general knowledge and abilities, as much as possible through its process (If necessary, these will be covered up by students taking degree programs’ common subjects, Graduate School of Science and Technology specialized fundamental common subjects and Graduate School common subjects).

  • Acquire ability to use knowledge through research (Research in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems A, B and C), research paper presentation workshops (Research Paper Presentation Workshop in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems I and II, and International Conference Paper Presentation Workshop in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems) and collaboratory research workshops (Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems III and IV).
  • Acquire management ability through research and research proposal writing workshops (Research Proposal Writing Workshop in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems III and IV).
  • Acquire communication ability through research, research proposal writing workshops and conference presentations among others.
  • Acquire leadership skills mainly through research, research paper presentation workshops, collaboratory research workshops, research proposal writing workshops, TA experiences and outside-school activities among others.
  • Acquire international character mainly through research, English exercises and international conference paper presentation workshops among others.
  • Acquire research ability through research, research paper presentation workshops and research proposal writing workshopsamong others.
  • Acquire specialized knowledge through research, research paper presentation workshops and collaboratory research workshops among others.
  • Acquire an ethical view through research and e-learning courses regarding ethics among others.
Requirements for Completing Degree Programs and Subject Selection
Requirements for completing degree programs

In order to complete the Doctoral Program, students must have attended the Graduate School of Science and Technology for three or more years, and have earned a designated number of credits by taking the necessary courses specified by each program. In addition, students must have completed their doctoral theses while receiving the necessary research guidance from supervisors and receiving approval, as well as passing the final examination. However, students who have demonstrated an outstanding academic performance will be eligible to complete the program in a minimum of 1 year (As for those who completed their Master’s Program early, the study period must be 3 years or more including the period studying the Doctoral Program).

Subjects Registration

Students are required to earn at least 12 credits in total including the following subjects: Research in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems A, B and C and Research Paper Presentation Workshop in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems I (10 credits) from specialized subjects in the doctoral degree courses - Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems related subjects. In addition to these, students are required to earn 2 more credits from the specialized subjects.