- 内部進学制度に合格した者で、日本学術振興会特別研究員-DC1 に採用されなかった場合には、最大 3 年間に亘って、大学の授業料減免制度と研究科の経済的支援策〔リサーチアシスタント制度(RA)〕の組み合わせにより授業料全額相当分の経済的支援を受けることができます。
- なお、日本学術振興会特別研究員-DC1に採用されなかった場合には、次年度以降、日本学術振興会特別研究員-DC2、または日本学術振興会特別研究員-PD に応募することを経済的支援の条件とします。(ただし、3年次の学生で日本学術振興会特別研究員-DC2を2年間連続して申請し、かつ学業成績に問題がなく、指導教員が推薦できる場合は、本経済支援の対象とすることがあります。)
- また、研究科の経済的支援策は、大学の授業料免除申請を行ったものの全額免除が認められなかった者を対象とします。
We have implemented an internal assessment system to select students with outstanding research abilities who are interested in a new interdisciplinary field of science and engineering; aiming to integrate “systems”, “information” and “society” to advance to the Doctoral course. Students enrolled in the Master’s program with a high probability of becoming active researchers of their fields in the future will have the opportunity to continue to the Doctoral program in IMIS.
- If the applicant has passed the internal assessment system and has not been selected as a Japan Society Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellow-DC1, financial support equivalent to the total tuition fee is offered. Cover of the tuition can be managed through a combination of tuition reduction and exemption system provided by the University and the Research Assistant System (RA).
- If the applicant is not recruited by the JSPS Research Fellow-DC1, the following fiscal year the student will need to apply for the JSPS Fellow-DC2 or the JSPS Fellow-PD. (However, third-year students that applied to JSPS Research Fellowship-DC2 for two consecutive years, can be eligible for this financial support if their performance is satisfactory and the instructor agrees to recommend the student).
- Additionally, the financial support measures provided by the Graduate School are designed for students who have applied for a tuition exemption from the university but have not been granted a full waiver.
Please refer to the application guidelines website for eligibility requirements.