

新型コロナウイルスの影響等により令和 3 年度大学院入試(10 月期)を試験場で受験出来ない者に対して、オンラインによる追試験を特例として実施します。


新型コロナウイルスの影響等により試験場での受験が出来ない者への 追試験(オンライン)について(10 月期)

Supplementary Examination (Online) for Examinees Unable to be Present Due to the New Coronavirus COVID-19 (Graduate School Entrance Examinations (October) for Academic Year 2021)



Supplementary examinations will be held online as a special provision for examinees for the October entrance examinations that are unable to be present at the examination venue due to the effect of COVID-19, etc.

For more information see the following links:

Supplementary Examination (Online) for Examinees Unable to be Present Due to the New Coronavirus COVID-19 (Graduate School Entrance Examinations (October) for Academic Year 2021)