1. 試験日と試験内容について
2. 口述試験②(志望理由及び研究計画のプレゼンテーション)について
プレゼンテーション時間について:プレゼンテーションは10分間とします.制限時間内に収まるように,準備して下さい.なお,プレゼンテーション時は8分経過で1鈴目,10分経過で2鈴目を鳴らします.2鈴目が鳴ったら速やかにプレゼンテーションを終了してください.その後 質疑応答が行われます.
3. 集合時刻と場所
Additional information regarding the time, location, and oral examination appointment (individual interview) will be announced as soon as the schedule is decided.
The oral examination for the master’s program in intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems in 2024 (Jan.-Feb. term) will be conducted as described below.
1. Date and Contents of the Examination
The Oral Examination I (Mathematics) and Oral Examination II (Motivation, and research plan presentation) will be conducted on January 26th, 2024.
2. Oral Examination I: Examination for basic academic ability (Mathematics)
The oral Examination I will be conducted online. Detailed information will be disclosed in the preliminary briefing session.
3. Oral Examination II: Motivation and research plan presentation
Regarding presentation contents: In the Oral Examination II, applicants will deliver a presentation about their graduation research (or it's alternative), motivation for application, and research plan. Please note that reference materials cannot be distributed to the examiners.
Regarding presentation time: The time for the presentation is 10 minutes. Please prepare your presentation to finish it on time. During your presentation, a bell will ring after 8 minutes to indicate that your time will end soon. A second bell will ring after 10 minutes. After the second bell, please finish your presentation immediately. Then, the examiners will ask questions regarding your presentation.
4. Gathering Time and Place
・For onsite examinations, all venues are located in the 3rd Area/Engineering Systems Building (Building 3L).
・When accessing the venue for the examinations, please use the entrance on the 1st floor of Building 3L. Please do not enter the 3L building via other buildings.
・The venue will be open 30 minutes ahead the schedule.
・Details regarding the examination and precautions will be provided before the examination, during the gathering time. If you are delayed and arrive after the gathering time, you may be disqualified.