2021年10月12日~15日に京都(+オンライン)で開催された家電技術に関する国際会議IEEE GCCE 2021において,柏原 遼氏(工学システム学類),水野 圭輔氏,倉友 乃康氏(知能機能システム学位P)らの発表が,IEEE GCCE 2021 Outstanding Student Paper Award を受賞しました。ラボの新人教育の一環として実施し,学生チームが主体となって進めた研究の成果です。

Directional Resolution of Haptic Display Consisted of a Pair of Vibrators Embedded Earrings (Ryo Kashiwabara, Ryota Sakuma, Keisuke Mizuno, Noko Kuratomo and Keiichi Zempo).

XperLab; 知覚拡張システム研究室
善甫 啓一 Keiichi Zempo
知能機能工学域 助教 zempo@iit.tsukuba.ac.jp 

The paper authored by Mr. Ryo Kashiwabara (College of Engineering System), Mr. Keisuke Mizuno, Mr. Noko Kuratomo (Master’s / Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems) et al. received Outstanding Student Paper Award in IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics. This research was conducted as part of the education for newcomers in the laboratory and led by a team of students.

Directional Resolution of Haptic Display Consisted of a Pair of Vibrators Embedded Earrings(Ryo Kashiwabara, Ryota Sakuma, Keisuke Mizuno, Noko Kuratomo and Keiichi Zempo).

Keiichi Zempo; zempo@iit.tsukuba.ac.jp
Department of Intelligent Interaction Technologies