国際会議 The 7th International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (IWACIII 2021, 北京理工大学,オンライン開催)において、伊藤龍二さんが「Best Paper Award」、相川和希 さんが「Session Best Presentation Award」を受賞しました。

• R. Ito, H. Nobuhara, and S. Kato: Genetic Algorithm Based Automatic Layer Selection of Transfer Learning for Object Detection
• K. Aikawa and H. Nobuhara: Product Selection Support System Based on Ordered Structure by Formal Concept Analysis

指導教員: 延原 肇(知能機能工学域)

At the 7th International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics organized by the Beijing Institute of Technology and the Beijing Association of Automation, Beijing, P. R. China (IWACIII 2021, online) Mr. Ryuji Ito was awarded the “Best Paper Award”, and Mr. Kazuki Aikawa received the “Session Best Presentation Award”.

• R. Ito, H. Nobuhara, and S. Kato: Genetic Algorithm Based Automatic Layer Selection of Transfer Learning for Object Detection
• K. Aikawa and H. Nobuhara: Product Selection Support System Based on Ordered Structure by Formal Concept Analysis

Advisor: Prof. Hajime Nobuhara