オンライン試験となります.集合時刻,場所は manaba で事前接続テストの後にお知らせします.
2. 口述試験について
- プレゼンテーション時間について:プレゼンテーション時間は15分間です。なお,プレゼンテーション時は12分経過で1鈴目,分経過で2鈴目を鳴らします.2鈴目がなったら速やかにプレゼンテーションを終了してください.その後試問が行われます.
- プレゼンテーション内容について:これまでの研究の概要,進学後の研究計画,志望動機などが明確にわかる内容にしてください.研究業績(査読付き雑誌論文,査読付き国際会議論文,口頭発表,特許など)が少しでもある場合は,スライドの最後にまとめるなどしてアピールするようにして下さい.筆頭著者でないもの,投稿中または投稿準備中のものも,その旨明示すれば含めて構いません.
なお,試験員への資料配付はできませんので注意してください. - プレゼンテーション機器について:ご自身で用意したPCでZoomの画面共有機能を使用してプレゼンテーションをしてもらいます.詳細は manaba掲載します.
(以 上)
Additional information regarding the time, location, and oral examination appointment (individual interview) will be announced as soon as the schedule is decided.
The oral examination will be conducted on January 25th 2024. The following information is complementary to the contents provided in the application guidelines:
1. Schedule and location:
The examination will be conducted online. The time and location will be announced via manaba after the pre-connection test.
2. Oral Examination:
· Regarding presentation time:
The presentation time is 15 minutes. Please prepare your presentation to finish it on time. During your presentation, a bell will ring after 12 minutes to indicate that your time will end soon. A second bell will sound when the applicant completes 15 minutes of presentation. If you hear a second bell, immediately finish your presentation. Then, the examiners will ask questions regarding your presentation.
· Regarding presentation contents:
Please clearly explain the research outline, the research plan after being enrolled, and the motivation to apply to our program. If you have research achievements (e.g., peer-reviewed journal papers, peer-reviewed international conference papers, oral presentations in academic conferences, patents, among others), please summarize them in the last slide and briefly comment on them. You may also include publications where you are a co-author, papers in preparation, and papers under revision if the status is clearly indicated. Please note that documents cannot be distributed to the examiners.
· Regarding presentation equipment:
Prepare your presentation on your computer and ensure that you are able to use the “share screen function” in Zoom. Details on this regard will be shared via manaba.