ここでは博士後期課程 一般入試ならびに社会人特別選抜の8月実施について,募集要項に記載している以外の補足情報を公開しています.







問い合わせ先:知能機能システム学位プログラム入試委員会 (entexam [at] imis.tsukuba.ac.jp)

Supplementary information to the contents general entrance examination and special selection for working applicants already provided in the application guidelines are provided below.

General entrance examination

Remarks for the day of the examination: Additional information regarding the time, location, and oral examination appointment (individual interview) will be announced as soon as the schedule is decided. (check “link name” on the left menu).

Special selection for working applicants

Remarks for students who wish to take the Early Completion Program after enrollment: Applicants wishing to take the Early Completion Program, please contact a program organizer through the faculty professor that you selected for your exam application.

Remarks for the day of the examination: Additional information regarding the time, location, and oral examination appointment (individual interview) will be announced as soon as the schedule is decided. (check “link name” on the left menu).


If you have any questions about the entrance examination, please contact the entrance examination committee (entexam [at] imis.tsukuba.ac.jp).